Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Home, Home on the Range...

...where the children and chickens play!  LOL  That should be the theme song around here.  The kids just love to go out and play with the chickens and gather their eggs.  Since getting these little hens back in April, they've been a daily source of entertainment.  Who knew chickens could be so funny!  So today I thought it would be fun to let the kids, I mean chickens, out of their coop to free range a little bit.  This was the first time we let them go completely free.  The kids were a little nervous at first, not knowing how far they would wander.  But they did pretty good and stayed pretty close to the coop (the chickens, not the kids).  They loved eating all the fresh green grass, clover, dandelions, and anything else they could forage for.  Here's a few of them just after leaving the coop.  They stayed close together at first.

After a while they started going off in separate directions.  With four chickens and only two kids to lasso them up, we decided that was enough for one day and gathered them up.  

Here's a shot of my daughter's favorite.  We never did name this one, we just call her "the white one."  Actually the only one we did name is the brown one and her name is Penny, as in Henny Penny....get it?  LOL

As we rounded all the little clucksters up I got this shot of my daughter holding Penny, and yes, that is a feather in her hair.  You might say she's gone a little birdy.'s all folks!  Have a great day!


  1. Way cool...where was Scotch and Captain? How long were they out?

  2. Doggies were inside and chickies were out for about a half hour. They mostly stayed right around of the edge of the coop eating the grass and dandelions they've been looking at through the chicken wire. They actually cleared most of that away before moving out into the field.
